Going Back to Basics: The Undeniable Benefits of Hand Planting Trees

Caitlin McLaughlin (they/them)

The benefits of planting trees cannot be overstated as they help to combat climate change, provide habitat for wildlife, and improve air quality, among other benefits. However, when it comes to planting trees, there is an ongoing debate about whether to use machinery or hand planting. In this article, we will explore the benefits of hand planting trees over using machinery.

Benefit 1: Cost-effectiveness

When planting trees by hand, there are no costs associated with purchasing, maintaining, and repairing machinery. These costs can be significant, especially for smaller-scale tree planting projects, and can quickly add up. In contrast, hand planting only requires basic tools such as shovels, planting bars, and gloves, which are inexpensive and readily available.

Furthermore, the use of machinery can also result in higher labor costs due to the need for skilled operators, fuel expenses, and maintenance costs. In contrast, hand planting can be done by a larger number of equally skilled labourers, but at a lower cost. In addition, hand planting allows for more flexibility in terms of project size and location. For example, hand planting is ideal for planting trees in urban areas, steep slopes, and other challenging locations where machinery may not be able to access or operate efficiently. This can help to expand the scope of tree planting projects and reach areas that may have been overlooked otherwise. Overall, the cost-effectiveness of hand planting trees makes it a practical and affordable option for many tree planting projects. It also helps to ensure that limited resources are used efficiently and effectively, while still achieving the desired environmental and social benefits.

Benefit 2: Precision planting

When it comes to planting trees, the correct placement and spacing of each tree are crucial to ensure optimal growth and survival rates. Hand planting trees allows for more precise planting because humans are better able to judge the best location and spacing for each tree, taking into account factors such as soil type, slope, and drainage.

This precision planting ensures that each tree has enough space to grow and develop properly without competing for resources such as water, sunlight, and nutrients. It also ensures that each tree is planted at the correct depth and with the correct amount of soil around its roots. This helps to ensure that the tree is properly anchored and has access to the nutrients and water it needs to survive. In contrast, the use of machinery for tree planting can result in uneven spacing and depth of planting, which can negatively affect the growth and survival rates of trees. Machinery such as seed drills may also deposit seeds at an inconsistent depth and spacing, which can lead to overcrowding and reduced growth rates. Hand planting trees allows for greater flexibility and adaptation to site-specific conditions.

For example, a hand planter can identify areas where the soil is harder or softer and make adjustments accordingly. This ensures that the trees are planted in areas that are most suitable for their growth and development, ultimately resulting in healthier and more resilient forests. Overall, the precision planting benefits of hand planting trees make it an ideal choice for tree planting projects that prioritise long-term forest health and sustainability. By ensuring that each tree is planted in the optimal location with the proper spacing and depth, hand planting can lead to healthier forests with greater biodiversity and resilience to environmental stressors such as climate change.

Benefit 3: Improved Tree Survival Rates

When planting trees, it is important to ensure that they have the best possible chance of survival and growth. This is particularly important for reforestation and afforestation projects aimed at restoring degraded or deforested areas.

Hand planting trees can improve tree survival rates because it allows for more careful handling and placement of trees. Each tree can be planted at the correct depth and with the correct amount of soil around its roots. This helps to ensure that the tree is properly anchored and has access to the nutrients and water it needs to survive. Moreover, hand planting allows the planter to identify and remove any damaged or unhealthy seedlings before planting, ensuring that only healthy trees are planted. This can help to prevent the spread of diseases and pests, which can negatively affect the survival rates of trees.

In contrast, the use of machinery for tree planting can result in trees being damaged or planted at incorrect depths, which can reduce their chances of survival. Machinery such as seed drills may also deposit seeds in areas with inadequate soil or drainage, resulting in lower survival rates. Another advantage of hand planting is that planters can take steps to protect the seedlings from potential threats such as herbivores or frost, which can also contribute to higher survival rates. For example, the planters can use protective covers or fencing to protect the seedlings until they are established.


Overall, the improved tree survival rates benefits of hand planting trees make it an ideal choice for tree planting projects aimed at restoring degraded or deforested areas. By ensuring that each tree is planted at the correct depth with the proper soil and spacing, and with protection from potential threats, hand planting can help to establish healthier and more resilient forests.

In conclusion, there are many benefits of hand planting trees over using machinery.

It is cost-effective, has environmental benefits, allows for precision planting, increases community involvement, and can improve tree survival rates. While machinery may be faster and more efficient in some cases, the benefits of hand planting trees make it a worthwhile option for many tree planting projects. By planting trees by hand, we can help to create a healthier and more sustainable environment for future generations.

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